Tips for preparing younger children for school

  • create stories together about starting school. Use pictures and simple language to explain routines like lining up, lunchtime, and fire drills
  • get a map of the school and highlight important locations. Discuss the school timetable using pictures or visuals. Transition visits can be discussed and planned
  • photo books: the new school may be able to provide a photo book to help your child get used to the school environment and members of staff. Pictures may include the classroom, teacher(s), playground, nurture room, changing area/toilets, lunch area, coat pegs etc.
  • practice routines like putting on the school uniform, packing the school bag, and following a lunchtime schedule
  • play pretend 'school' at home. Let your child be the teacher and you be the student. This can help them feel more comfortable in the new environment
  • communication:
    • talk to your child about their worries and answer their questions honestly. Let them know it is okay to feel nervous, but that you will be there for them
    • arrange a meeting with your child's teacher and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) to discuss your child's needs and support they might require.
    • share information about your child's current routines, communication methods, and any tools they use to help them learn
  • the Admissions Team has created guidance for parent carers (starting school). It includes questions you can ask the school SENCo/teacher, and general application advice where it is recommended to include your child's needs in the application form
  • relaxation techniques: if your child gets anxious, work with the school to identify calming strategies they can use. The School Nursing Service can support and signpost
  • read books about starting school with your child

Remember, every child is different. Be patient and focus on making the transition as smooth as possible. By working together with the school, you can help your child feel confident and excited about their new adventure!