Key information and contacts

Key information for phase transfers for children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP):

  • Annual Reviews: EHCPs require annual reviews, with transitions being a major focus. This review (ideally starting the term before) should involve parents/carers, the young person (when appropriate), and relevant professionals
  • the team around the child: ensure all professionals involved in your child's care (therapists, social workers etc.) are informed of the transfer and contribute to a smooth handover of information
  • school choice: While there is no need to go through the typical admissions process, expressing preferences for schools/colleges is encouraged
  • planning and familiarisation: Schools receiving a student with an EHCP should be notified well in advance. Preparation can involve visits, meeting staff, and familiarisation with the new environment
  • continued support: The EHCP should be reviewed and updated to reflect the new setting and ongoing needs

Note for parents / carers in the process of assessment for SEND

The letter you receive on offer day only refers to applications for regular school spots through the usual process.

It does not consider what is happening for pupils:

  • being assessed for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), or those
  • with an agreed plan that has not been finalised yet

Applications via the main admission process have only been ranked against respective school oversubscription admission criteria.

Where it has been agreed an EHCP is necessary for your child, the SEN Team will consult with you regarding your preferred school. Once the plan is finalised, a school will be named on the EHCP.

This decision would override any offer made via the mainstream admission process.

Parents cannot choose to take up any previous offer that is not named in the EHCP.

Key contacts:

Tell us how your annual review went!