The Southend SEND Strategic Partnership Board
The Southend SEND&AP Strategic Partnership Board (SSSPB) provides the strategic lead on the area's priorities for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The Board leads on ensuring there is a good knowledge of individual and collective responsibility under:
This is done by providing oversight, direction and scrutiny of the SEND offer.
The Board also ensures that the area:
- jointly commissions SEND services in an effective, precise and timely way
- has a consistent strategy and holistic approach to support the child and family
- embeds SEND reforms at leadership level across Southend
Members of the Board are representatives from Southend SEND Partnership organisations and have been selected due to their specific role.
The contracted Parent Carer Forum (Southend SEND Independent Forum - SSIF), is also represented on the group.
The SSSPB group meets quarterly. It reports directly to the Southend Health and Wellbeing Board (HWWB).
The Agenda, minutes and papers of Board meetings are published for information.
Please note - meetings are not public. Members of the public are not invited to raise questions for the meeting.
The minutes or papers may include information of a confidential or commercially sensitive nature which may be covered by the Data Protection Act. In such circumstances confidentiality will be maintained.