How social care costs are met

At Southend-on-Sea City Council, social care and support services are usually paid for either:

  • privately by you or your family
  • by the Council (Southend-on-Sea City Council) when you're eligible for support

To find out if you might need to pay for your care, or are thinking about planning for what you may need to pay in the future, your care costs, or those of someone you care for, could go towards:

  • care while you remain in your own home
  • supported housing
  • care home placements
  • direct payments so that you can arrange your own preferred care and support

The cost of my care

Your care costs will depend on different factors but are primarily based on your savings and capital. This does not include the value of your home as long as you are still living in it.

If you have over £23,250.00 in savings and capital you are not eligible for council support towards your care.

If this does apply to you, you can still apply for help to cover some of the costs of your care if you are still living in your home.

If you have savings and capital more than £23,250.00, you or your family would need to meet the costs of your care in a residential care setting.