Paying for care and support at home

We want to help you live in your own home for as long and as independently as possible. To do this Adult Social Care has a range of help and support available such as:

  • support for you to access community facilities
  • home care and personal support - including help with washing and dressing
  • services provided through a direct payment
  • attending a day centre
  • transport provided to take you to and from day centres

If you receive one of these services, you may have to contribute towards the cost of it. Supported Living is a chargeable non-residential service, as there is care and support available to service users residing there.

Some people may be exempt from charges, and some services are not chargeable. There is more information on exemptions on this page.

How will you work out if I must pay towards my care?

To work out how much, if anything, you will be asked to contribute, we will undertake a financial assessment with you. As part of the assessment, we will look at your income, capital and savings as well as any expenditure related to your disability or health condition.

We will first look at your savings. If your savings are more than £23,250 you will have to pay the full cost of your support. However, if your savings are between £14,250 and £23,250 then £1 a week will be treated as income for every £250. This is called a “Tariff Income.”

We then look at your income and expenditure. We work out your charges by:

  • adding together all your income
  • taking away any income and benefits that are ignored
  • taking away all allowable expenditure and disregards
  • taking away the minimum guaranteed income (MIG)

The amount left (your assessable income), is the maximum we will ask you to pay.

Will my property be taken into account?

While you are living in your home, we will disregard it for the financial assessment. However, if you own a second property it will be viewed as a capital asset.

What is the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG)?

This is the amount of money you must be allowed to keep to cover your day to day living expenses and the amount is set annually by the Government. There are different amounts depending on your age and the benefits you are receiving.

What do you allow for Disability Related Expenditure (DRE)?

The council apply a basic disregard to all financial assessments based on age and benefits you are receiving. As a result, the amount is different depending on your circumstances.

This figure will be included as an allowable expenditure and disregarded when we complete the financial assessment. This ensures that you have money to meet relevant expenses. However, if your disability related expenditure is more than the set amount, we will consider increasing the figure. You will be asked for copies of invoices or receipts. If you do not already keep these documents please start to do so.

See our page on DRE for more information.

What income is taken into account?

Most benefits, including:

  • state retirement pension
  • Income Support
  • Employment Support Allowance
  • Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit
  • certain elements of Universal Credit
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • the care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • the care component of Personal Independence Payments
  • severe disability premium paid with your Benefit
  • taking away your disability related expenditure (DRE)

Other income such as money from:

  • private and occupational pensions
  • annuity income
  • rental income from property
  • maintenance allowance
  • also, we include the tariff income

What income is ignored?

Income from any wages or earnings that you receive if you have a job and some benefits, such as the:

  • mobility component of Disability Living Allowance
  • mobility component of Personal Independence Payment
  • savings part of Pension Credit


The following adult social care services are not subject to a financial assessment and no charge will be made:

  • carers service
  • reablement up to the first six weeks and intermediate care
  • aids and adaptation equipment - equipment to make looking after yourself simpler and support to help you remain living independently at home
  • advocacy

We will not charge you for care in your home that is subject to a financial assessment if you are:

  • diagnosed as suffering with any form of Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease (CJD)
  • getting services provided under the Carers and Disabled Act 2000, including accommodation and care to people you care for while you take a carers break. We will charge for any temporary accommodation and care not in support of a carers break
  • subject to Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 where care in your home services are part of your after care
  • in the first six weeks of an Enablement or Intermediate Care service
  • getting NHS continuing healthcare, living in your own home where the NHS is responsible for meeting all nursing and personal care needs

There are also exemptions under the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000.

If you are a young person aged between 16 and 21 years and have been looked after, accommodated or fostered by a council after your 16th birthday and are:

  • in need of advice and befriending
  • getting family credit
  • getting disability working allowance or
  • getting income-based jobseekers' allowance
  • exempt under the Children Act 1989 Section 24A (6)

What if I do not want to complete a financial assessment?

You can choose not to tell us about your finances, but you will have to pay the full cost for any services that we may provide.

We will ask you to sign a ‘non-disclosure’ form. This is to confirm that you do not want a financial assessment and that you will pay the full cost of your service.

Is there an appeals process?

All customers have the right of appeal against the decision if:

  • you do not agree with the level of contribution that has been assessed
  • the contribution will result in real financial hardship

If you are concerned about your contribution, contact the Financial Assessments Team on 01702 215008 option 2 as soon as possible to resolve the issue.

This team is dedicated to supporting customers throughout the charging process.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the discussion with the Financial Assessments Team you can request the council to investigate your circumstances and resolve the matter.

How can I find out more?

To find out more about your choices, paying for your care or to request a copy of this information you can: