Southend adult carers survey

This report details findings from the 2023/24 Survey of Adult Carers in England, undertaken on behalf of Southend-on-Sea Borough Council, Adult Social Services.

A random selection of carers who had contact with Adult Social Services, or an organisation working on behalf of Adult Social Services over the last 12 months, were invited to participate in the survey.

The survey asks carers about their views on the services they and the person they care for receive and their quality of life.

National findings can be found on NHS England.

You can also access the SACE Interactive Report.

Survey Results 2023/24

500 survey packs were issued in October 2023, with a follow up to non-respondents in November 2023. 160 completed questionnaires were returned. The response rate for this survey is 32%.

Percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number and totals may be greater or less than 100% due to this.

Question 1

How old is the person you care for?

Results of question 1
Age band of cared person Percent
18-24 13%
25-34 5%
35-44 1%
45-54 3%
55-64 3%
65-74 9%
75-84 28%
85 plus 39%

Total responses - 150

Question 2

Does the person you care for have...?

Results of question 2
Answer options Percent
Problems connected to ageing 50%
A physical disability 44%
Dementia 42%
Sight or hearing loss 20%
Long-standing illness 24%
A learning disability or difficulty 27%
A mental health problem 8%
Terminal illness 4%
Alcohol or drug dependency 0%

Total responses - 156 (respondents could select more than option)

Question 3

Where does the person you care for usually live?

Question 3 Results
Answer options Percent
With me 61%
Somewhere else 39%

Total responses - 157

Question 4

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the support or services you and the person you care for have received from Social Services in the last 12 months?

Question 4 Results
Answer options Percent
We haven't received any support or services from Social Services in the last 12 months 19%
I am extremely satisfied 6%
I am very satisfied 28%
I am quite satisfied 28%
I am neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 9%
I am quite dissatisfied 4%
I am very dissatisfied 3%
I am extremely dissatisfied 2%

Total responses - 158

Question 5

Has the person you care for used any of the support or services listed below in the last 12 months?

Question 5 Results
Answer options Yes percentage
a. Support or services allowing you to take a break from caring at short notice or in an emergency 8%
b. Support or services allowing you to take a break from caring for more than 24 hours 17%
c. Support or services to allow you to have a rest from caring for between 1 and 24 hours (e.g. a sitting service) 15%
d. Personal assistant 13%
e. Home care/home help 46%
f. Day center or day activities 20%
g. Lunch club 2%
h. Meals Services 5%
i. Equipment or adaptation to their home (such as a wheelchair or handrails) 56%
j. Lifeline Alarm 20%
k. They are permanently resident in a care home 11%

Total responses - 159 (respondents could select more than option)

Question 6

Have you used any of the support or services listed below, to help you as a carer over the last 12 months?

Question 6 Results
Answer options Yes percentage
a. Information and advice 49%
b. Support from carers groups or someone to talk to in confidence 22%
c. Training for carers 2%
d. Support to keep you in employment 3%

Total responses - 159 (respondents could select more than option)

Question 7

Which of the following statements best describes how you spend your time?

Question 7 Results
Answer options Percent
I'm able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy 36%
I do some of the things I value or enjoy with my time but not enough 52%
I don't do anything I value or enjoy with my time 11%

Total responses - 149

Question 8

Which of the following statements best describes how much control you have over your daily life?

Question 8 Results
Answer options Percent
I have as much control over my daily life as I want 36%
I have some control over my daily life but not enough 54%
I have no control over my daily life 10%

Total responses - 149

Question 9

Thinking about how much time you have to look after yourself - in terms of getting enough sleep or eating well - which statement best describes your present situation?

Question 9 Results
Answer options Percent
I look after myself 67%
Sometimes I can't look after myself well enough 25%
I feel I am neglecting myself 7%

Total responses - 150

Question 10

Thinking about your personal safety, which of the statements best describes your present situation?

Question 10 Results
Answer options Percent
I have no worries about my personal safety 87%
I have some worries about my personal safety 11%
I am extremely worried about my personal safety 2%

Total responses - 154

Question 11

Thinking about how much social contact you've had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation?

Question 11 Results
Answer options Percent
I have as much social contact as I want with people I like 39%
I have some social contact with people but not enough 50%
I have little social contact with people and feel socially isolated 11%

Total responses - 153

Question 12

Thinking about encouragement and support in your caring role, which of the following statements best describes your present situation?

Question 12 Results
Answer options Percent
I feel I have encouragement and support 49%
I feel I have some encouragement and support but not enough 40%
I feel I have no encouragement and support 11%

Total responses - 151

Question 13

Thinking about the other people you have caring responsibilities for, which of the following best describes your current situation? Please exclude the person you spend most time helping.

Question 13 Results
Answer options Percent
I don't have caring responsibilities for anyone else 60%
I always have enough time to care for them 18%
I sometimes have enough time to care for them 17%
I never have enough time to care for them 5%

Total responses - 153

Question 14

In the last 12 months, has your health been affected by your caring role in any of the ways listed below?

Question 14 Results
Answer options Percent
Feeling tired 63%
General feeling of stress 52%
Disturbed sleep 53%
Feeling depressed 33%
Short tempered/ irritable 34%
Physical strain (e.g. back) 23%
Made an existing condition worse 15%
Developed my own health conditions 13%
Had to see own GP 14%
No, none of these 22%
Loss of appetite 9%
Other 1%

Total responses - 152 (respondents could select more than option)

Question 15

In the last 12 months, has caring caused you any financial difficulties?

Question 15 Results
Answer options Percent
No, not at all 62%
Yes, to some extent 31%
Yes, a lot 7%

Total responses - 153

Question 16

How often do you feel lonely?

Question 16 Results
Answer options Percent
Often or always 5%
Some of the time 24%
Occasionally 28%
Hardly ever 19%
Never 24%

Total responses - 152

Question 17

In the last 12 months, have you found it easy or difficult to find information and advice about support, services or benefits? Please include information and advice from different sources, such as voluntary organisations and private agencies as well as Social Services.

Question 17 Results
Answer options Percent
I have not tried to find information or advice in the last 12 months 34%
Very easy to find 7%
Fairly easy to find 39%
Fairly difficult to find 15%
Very difficult to find 6%

Total responses - 157

Question 18

In the last 12 months, how helpful has the information and advice you have received been? Please include information and advice from different organizations, such as voluntary organizations and private agencies as well as Social Services.

Question 18 Results
Answer options Percent
I have not received any information or advice in the last 12 months 36%
Very helpful 23%
Quite helpful 34%
Quite unhelpful 5%
Very unhelpful 3%

Total responses - 154

Question 19

In the last 12 months, do you feel you have been involved or consulted as much as you wanted to be, in discussions about the support or services provided to the person you care for?

Question 19 Results
Answer options Percent
There have been no discussions that I am aware of, in the last 12 months 28%
I always felt involved or consulted 27%
I usually felt involved or consulted 24%
I sometimes felt involved or consulted 16%
I never felt involved or consulted 5%

Total responses - 155

Question 20

In addition to your caring role, please tell us which of the following also applies to you?

Question 20 Results
Answer options Percent
Retired 51%
Employed full-time 14%
Not in paid work 12%
Employed part-time (working 30 hours or less) 21%
Doing voluntary work 5%
Self-employed part-time 3%
Other 4%
Self-employed full-time 1%

Total responses - 154 (Respondents could select more than option)

Question 21

Thinking about combining your paid work and caring responsibilities, which of the following statements best describes your current situation?

Question 21 Results
Answer options Percent
I am not in paid employment for other reasons (e.g. Retired) 51%
I am not in paid employment because of my caring responsibilities 9%
I am in paid employment and I feel supported by my employer 27%
I do not need any support from my employer to combine my work and caring responsibilities 7%
I am self-employed and I am able to balance my work and caring responsibilities 5%
I am in paid employment but I don't feel supported by my employer 1%
I am self-employed but I am unable to balance my work and caring responsibilities 0%

Total responses - 154

Question 22

About how long have you been looking after or helping the person you care for?

Question 22 Results
Answer options Percent
20 years or more 22%
Over 5 years but less than 10 years 15%
Over 1 year but less than 3 years 22%
Over 3 years but less than 5 years 23%
Over 10 years but less than 15 years 7%
Over 15 years but less than 20 years 6%
Over 6 months but less than a year 5%
Less than 6 months 1%

Total responses - 153

Question 23

About how long do you spend each week looking after or helping the person you care for?

Question 23 Results
Answer options Percent
100 or more hours per week 23%
20-34 hours per week 13%
Other 7%
10-19 hours per week 16%
0-9 hours per week 10%
75-99 hours per week 3%
Varies - 20 hours or more per week 8%
50-74 hours per week 7%
35-49 hours per week 11%
Varies - Under 20 hours per week 3%

Total responses - 151

Question 24

Over the last 12 months, what kinds of things did you usually do for the person you care for?

Question 24 Results
Answer options Percent
Other practical help? 86%
Keeping an eye on him/her to see he/she is all right? 83%
Helping with paperwork or financial matters? 84%
Helping with dealing with care services and benefits? 80%
Giving emotional support? 73%
Keeping him/her company? 79%
Taking him/her out? 46%
Giving medicines? 53%
Personal care? 52%
Physical help? 42%
Other help? 11%

Total responses - 158 (respondents could select more than option)

Question 25

Do you have any of the following?

Question 25 Results
Answer options Percent
A long-standing illness 18%
A physical impairment or disability 13%
Sight or hearing loss 9%
Other 10%
A mental health problem or illness 7%
A learning disability or difficulty 2%
None of the above 57%

Total responses - 151 (respondents could select more than option)

Question 26

How many children aged 18 or under do you have parental responsibility for?

Question 26 Results
Value Percent
0 90%
1 7%
2 2%
3 1%
4+ 0%

Total responses - 152

Question 27

Did someone help you to complete this questionnaire?

Question 27 Results
Answer options Percent
Yes 8%
No 92%

Total responses - 154