You said we did
People have given us feedback about:
- the design of the SEND Local Offer section of Livewell Southend and;
- the information on it
Things we have done in response to feedback to improve it:
- "would like monthly newsletters/emails", "have a Facebook page", "Instagram and Facebook". We added images to highlight the SEND newsletter and our Facebook and Instagram pages
- made images more vibrant
- team contact details put high up the page. Now more prominent when viewed on a mobile
- "website hard to navigate and not very logical"; "make it more user friendly"; "too complex to get to the information you need". We have reduced the number of `entry points` to the information on the Local Offer. Now have subject related boxes with icons. Includes a support for parent carers box
- added details of how to search for information. Added links to accessibility information, site map and glossary of terms
- "no regular communication of news and updates". Added link to the latest news page. Members of the Southend SEND Network are asked to submit news items and events
- glossary of terms updated
- Parent Carer Forum (SSIF) information made more prominent
- wording for links section changed from SEND external links to SEND external websites
- Moved information for young people and added an image
- button for services outside Southend removed. Replaced with links to Essex and Thurrock Local Offers
Other developments:
- "make the search useable"; "need to be able to find information from a few letters or a word"; "text is long and thin"; "too large on a mobile". In June 2023, Livewell Southend moved to a new platform. The platform is mobile responsive, has enhanced accessibility features and an enhanced search facility. Large search bar added to the Livewell Southend home page.
- "make sure links work"; "the Local Offer is out of date, inaccessible. Phone numbers and links don't work". Ou of date services and information was removed when we moved to the new platform. Links were checked and fixed where necessary
- "dedicated homepage tab to simplify navigation/access"; "be easier to navigate. It's hard to find what support is available for my son. Link to the site map added to each Local Offer subject area landing page so people can see there is information relating to other subjects on the Local Offer. The new platform has a drop-down menu function. This helps the user easily navigate to different parts of the website
- "information is unclear in places and repeated a lot". Related information was grouped together. Unecessary pages have been removed.
- "Formatting on downloaded documents is awful on a phone". Inaccessible PDFs and word documents were removed from the site. Necessary information was recreated as HTML web pages
- replaced the term `directory` with `services` or `listings` where appropriate
- "Bit difficult to navigate. Is there an easier, clearer way to display information?". Added text to subject area landing pages explaining that there are information pages and listings of services
- "Want information about events for families". We regularly share details of local events on social media and in our SEND newsletter. We encourage members of the SEND Network to submit events relating to their own organisations so they can be displayed in the events section of the website
- explanation added to events and activities section to show that some things are activities for children and young people and some for parent carers
- using SEND rather than SEN consistently across the site
- education information split into early years and school age and post-16
- school age and post-16 information split into sub-categories to make it easier to navigate
- `local picture` overview of education settings added to the school age and post-16 section
- Graduated Response made more visual through use of buttons in the education support section.
- information about what to do if you are unhappy with support provided by the school made more prominent by creating a separate information page
- added information about the difference between Further and Higher Education to the post-16 education page
- added links to the Southend Learning Network website for key documents for education professionals
- added updated and co-produced information about Transforming Care
- abbreviations and full words added to Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) and Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) information
- updated SSIF directory record
- "Want BSL information". Have added links to British Sign Language videos about benefits (PIP, access to work, DLA, Carers Allowance), vehicle tax exemption and reduction, LGBTQI information, online safety, sexual health and energy advice
- added links to information about the Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) and Ofsted registered holiday club provision to the events and activities page
- added information to the Dyslexia page
- added further detail about how to apply for a personal education budget
New information:
- added information about how SEN is identified in schools, how children and young people are supported, including support for different needs
- created a `GSCE results - what next?` page
- created a have your say and get involved page
- "have some detailed content". Have created new information pages in response to feedback about appointees, deputies and power of attorney, consent for treatment, Supported Internships, role of the SENCO, travel training, multi-sensory impairment and day opportunities/services for adults with learning disabilities
- information added about blue badges, vehicle tax emptions and bus passes, services supporting children and young peoples mental health and wellbeing
- information added to the young persons section about doctors and dentists appointments, relationships, sex and sexual health, bullying, managing money
- created a book and resource recommendations page
- added information about the Vibrance Personal Assistant and Buddy register to the direct payments page
- "some services excluded so it does not actually reflect the local offer", "want to see local businesses on the website"; "need information about how to access health provisions for SEND". We constantly review what is available in the local area and invite organisations to have directory records on the Local Offer. Have created 55 new directory records since June 2023 covering a range of services and support, including NHS teams that provide services for children and young people in the local area