Engagement and co-production

Details of local and national engagement and co-production opportunities.

SEND Preparing for Adulthood strategy development

Southend-on-Sea City Council is embarking on a important journey to enhance the future for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). To ensure the most effective and inclusive Preparing for Adulthood strategy, the Council is inviting the community to give their views and share their experiences.

2 engagement sessions have been held and there is still time for young people and parent carers to give their views through a survey until 11 April 2025.

Complete the survey now

Kate Clarke, Preparing for Adulthood Advisor is also welcoming opportunities to visit organisations to engage with parent, carers and young people. To request a visit, please contact Kate directly: KateClarke@southend.gov.uk

Home to School Travel Assistance Consultation (2 December 2024 to 31 January 2025)

This consultation has now concluded, and the new proposed Policy was presented to Cabinet for approval on 3 March 2025.

For more details on the consultation process and outcomes, visit the Home to School Travel Assistance Consultation page on Your Say Southend.

Development of the SEND Local Offer on the Livewell Southend website

The new Livewell Southend website launched in June 2023. It is important that the SEND Local Offer section of the site:

  • meets the needs of families and professionals
  • has clear information that is easy to find

The Local Offer team hosted some events. Parent carers, young people and professionals told us what they liked and what needed to be improved or changed. Sessions focused on the Local Offer landing page and subject area landing pages. See the You Said, We Did page for details of changes made.

If you are a group or organisation that supports families of children with SEND, or a school, tell us if you'd like us to come to a parent carer session to deliver a Local Offer introduction/feedback session.

We also welcome direct feedback. You can:

Development of 'routemaps' to help parent carers navigate local SEND services and support

In the SEND Strategic Action Plan, we committed to produce `routemaps` outlining services accross education, health and social care in a range of accessible formats.

Parent carers gave their views on what should be included in routemaps at various sessions and our first set have now been completed.

View the routemaps

Feedback has been very positive so we will be continuing to develop more. If you would like to be involved in development of further roadmaps, please email LocalOffer@southend.gov.uk.

Guides on the Annual Review and Education Health and Care Needs Assessment process

In September 2022 we launched surveys for parents and carers about their experience of the Annual Review and Education and Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) processes. In January 2023 a survey for young people about the annual review process launched.

Common themes have emerged. This includes some dissatisfaction of how parents are involved and prepared for annual review meetings, the input of professionals, frustration with assessment delays and communication from the Team. Themes emerging from young people included:

  • not having enough help to prepare for the review
  • not feeling confident their views were listened to

The Local Offer team held 3 focus groups in October and November 2023. Feedback was gained from parent carers and young people about the EHCP Annual Review process and the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment process.

Feedback suggested:

  • the experience of accessing advice and support was smoother when the child's needs were identified earlier and;
  • that more support was needed to understand the ECHP assessment process

There were suggestions for how to make the experience better:

  • clearer routes to access advice and support. To include understanding criteria and managing expectations around waiting times
  • regular and clear communication is needed to improve trust, help families feel heard and more involved with the process and develop good working relationships
  • clearer advice on where to access information about future support needs

Live surveys:

SSIF family feedback survey

Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF), the SEND Parent Carer Forum for Southend want to hear from families about their experiences of SEND in Southend.

Complete the SSIF family feedback form.

Southend SEND Youth Voice

This group is for those aged 11 to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

  • share your experiences, thoughts and feedback
  • take part in fun activities
  • make important changes to improve the lives of children and young people with SEND in Southend

Meetings take place in the early evening every half term. Food and refreshments are provided.

Contact Jade Weller to find out more and book your space: JadeWeller@southend.gov.uk

Southend City Youth Council

Southend City Youth Council represent the youth of Southend and promote youth voice. It is open to any young person aged 11 to 18 who lives or goes to school in Southend-on-Sea.

The main aim is to provide a platform for young people in the city to have a say over how thier home is run. The Youth Council meet to discuss the issues that affect, or are important to, the youth of Southend. Members run campaigns targeting specific issues that have been raised by young people.

To find out more, or if you would like to be involved visit: www.southendcityyouthcouncil.com

Voices of the East forum for young people with SEND

Voices of the East is a group for children and young people with SEND aged 5 to 25. It is an East of England region forum supported by the Essex Multi-Schools Council. It provides an opportunity for children and young people to:

  • speak out about things that matter to them
  • meet new people
  • hear inspirational stories

Action will be taken on the things discussed!

Meetings are held virtually every 1 to 2 months on Microsoft Teams. They are held at a range of times, to enable attendance during or after school. There will also be opportunities to get involved in person. Meetings are interactive and include games. Future meeting dates are 16 September and 16 October.

To find out more:

Email kierran.pearce@essex.gov.uk to get involved or for further questions.

Southend SEND Multi-Schools Council

The Southend SEND Multi-Schools Council is for young people with SEND, lead by young people with disabilities, neurodiversity, mental health difficulties and complex emotional needs. For further information, email southendmschoolscouncil@gmail.com or visit the website.

Traverse group for young people

Traverse is an opportunity for young people who are interested in health services to learn more and share their views.

So far the group have been able to interview system leaders, attend a youth conference and do some team building tasks. For every full meeting young people attend they receive a £30 amazon voucher for their time! The group meets around every 6 weeks. Virtual meetings are a maximum of 1.5 hours and in person meetings a maximum of 3 hours.

The group is overseen by the Essex Multi-Schools Council. It is open to applications from young people who want to make a difference! If you are interested, please email mschoolscouncil@gmail.com.

Learning Disability User Voice Group

The Southend Learning Disability User Voice Group is for those aged 18 years and over with lived experience of learning disabilities. The group provides an opportunity to have a voice, be part of co-production and have representation at Living Well Strategy group meetings. Find out more about the group in our directory.

Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System

Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System (MSE ICS) are committed to listening to and understanding patient needs. Find out how to have your say and influence the development of health services in the future. Get involved information on the MSE ICS website.

EPUT patient forums and networks

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT) has forums and networks for:

  • patients
  • their families
  • their supporters

This includes a carer network and a neurodiversity network. Everyone who uses their services is invited to be involved in decision-making about their care and has the opportunity to help improve the care delivered. For more information, visit the patient forums and networks section on the EPUT website.

EPUT Co-Production Conference

EPUT held their second Co-Production Conference on Thursday 10 October 2024. It was an inspirational and informative day. Read about the event on the EPUT website.