Local Area Joint Inspection of SEND services - October 2018

In May 2016, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC), started a new type of joint inspection to:

  • hold local areas to account
  • champion the rights of children and young people

Under the Area SEND Inspections framework inspectors review how local areas meet their responsibilities to children and young people (birth to age 25) who have special educational needs or disabilities, or both (SEND)

In October 2018, Ofsted and the CQC, did a joint inspection of SEND in Southend.

This looked at the local area's progress in carrying out the SEND reforms. It considered how well the local area:

  • identifies
  • meets the needs of and;
  • improves outcomes for children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

The inspection identified 4 areas of significant weakness. Read the Ofsted report.

The local authority and the area's clinical commissioning group wrote a Written Statement of Action (WSoA). This outlined how the local area intended to improve practice.

Evaluating progress in the local area

In early 2021 the local area completed a 'Self-Evaluation'.

The report evaluates:

  • the area's effectiveness for all areas of SEND
  • progress against priorities in the last strategy
  • progress against the 4 areas of improvement from inspection

It details how well the local area is effectively:

  • identifying
  • assessing
  • meeting needs
  • achieving and improving outcomes

View the local area self evaluation full report.

View the local area self evaluation executive summary.