Accelerated Progress Plan

The letter from the Department for Education about the Accelerated Progress Plan reads as:

By email: Michael Marks Executive Director (Children and Public Health) Tricia D'Orsi, Alliance Director, Southend Clinical Commissioning Group

22 November 2021

Dear Michael and Tricia

Accelerated Progress Plan following OFSTED and CQC's Local Area SEND Revisit

We would like to thank you and your partners for your Accelerated Progress Plan (APP). We have reviewed the APP with the SEND and NHS England Advisers and have concluded that it sets out how you will tackle the remaining areas of weakness identified during your revisit and has been deemed fit for purpose.

As set out in the revised Ofsted framework, we expect your plan to be published locally so that children, young people and families can understand the actions you are taking.

Your six-month review meeting to assess progress against the action plan will take place in May 2022. Corrina Bielby, your DfE Case Lead, will be in touch to finalise arrangements. For the six-month review, we will need to see documentary evidence two weeks in advance of the meeting and will email nearer the time to set out what you should provide.

I am copying this letter to your SEND and NHSE Advisers, and to your DfE Case Lead.

Yours sincerely,

Sharon Thornton

Regional Lead SEND Improvement and Implementation Unit Department for Education (DfE)

Cc: Brian Gale, DfE SEND Adviser Anneliese Hillyer-Thake, NHS Strategic Lead for SEND (East) Corrina Bielby, DfE Case Lead Department for Education Sanctuary Buildings Great Smith Street London SW1P 3BT

View the Accelerated Progress Plan.