Recommendation 4

Local area partnership leaders should ensure that they share accurate data across health, education and social care to support rigorous and effective self-evaluation and inform joint commissioning.

What we want: An accurate data report across health, education and social care to support rigorous and effective self-evaluation and inform joint commissioning.

What we will do: Develop a Joint data dashboard to enable sharing of accurate and timely data.

This will be fed into the wider Local Area joint data set for education, social care and public health.

Where are we now: Single data sets are in place with limited ability to understand impact of service interventions.

What we will see: A joint health, education and social care data dashboard which informs strategic decision-making and commissioning by the local area partnership.

The difference this will make: The needs of children and young people are understood, and plans focus on meeting those needs and improving outcomes. Commissioning arrangements are well informed.

What we want: Accurate local area needs analysis to inform joint commissioning.

What we will do: Develop and complete a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) for SEND.

Where are we now: A specific Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for SEND is not currently in place.

What we will see: A complete SEND Joint Strategic Needs Assessment that identifies needs and supports wider priority setting.

The difference this will make: The local are partnership will be able to effectively assess the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of Southend to inform decision making and resource planning.

What we want: The local area partnership's joint data dashboard includes data from the Learning Disability (LD) Health Equalities agenda.

What we will do: Ensure data related to the All-Age Dynamic Support Register and Care Education Treatment reviews is part of the Area Joint Data Set.

This data will inform our arrangements in place to meet the needs of children and young people with complex needs/challenging behaviour at risk of admission to hospital/treatment.

Where are we now: Data is routinely reported to the SET LD Health Equalities Board and is used to support the development of Learning Disabilities Health Equalities agenda. This data is not part of a joint data dashboard reported through the SEND Partnership Board.

What we will see: A joint data dashboard that includes data on children and young people on the All-Age Dynamic Support Register.

The difference this will make: The local area partnership will have oversight of the children and young people with the highest levels of need and at risk of escalation. This will support the local area partnership in understanding commissioning priorities for this group of young people.

What we want: A data set focused on those children and young people with SEND who access mental health services.

What we will do: Establish regular reporting from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health services and wider local transformation plan funded services for children with SEND accessing these services.

This data will flow into the joint data dashboard.

Where are we now: Limited data focused on children and young people with SEND is reported. The ICB is working with the provider to establish an accurate data set.

What we will see: The local area partnership knows how many children and young people with SEND are accessing mental health services. The timely and accurate reporting of SEND and mental health data supports strategic decision making and understanding joint commissioning priorities.

The difference this will make: The mental health needs of children and young people are more widely understood and supported. Improvement plans are in place which focus on meeting those needs and improving outcomes.