Recommendation 6

The local area partnership should make sure that parents and carers and professionals receive clear and reliable information about how to access the range of support and services that are available.

What we want: A range of clearly defined roadmaps that outline all SEND services across education, health and social care in a range of accessible formats and locations.

What we will do: Task and finish groups will co-produce a recognisable suite of Southend roadmaps and FAQ's using defined templates and branding.

Where are we now: There are no roadmaps outlining the SEND services that are available for Children, young people with SEND and their families.

What we will see: Roadmaps that are understood and support effective navigation through the SEND system.

The difference this will make: Information is presented in a clear and accessible way to help families understand the support services available and how to access them when they need to.

What we want: The Local Offer website is easy to navigate and has clear information that parent carers, and young people and professionals can understand and access.

What we will do: The Livewell project team, based on user feedback, will redesign a new local offer site, transferring and updating existing data and information, keeping all stakeholders informed so that support can be provided if needed. We will test out the new site, evaluate user experience and undertake activities to shape and design the new Local Offer channel.

Where are we now: Re-procurement successful with a new contract awarded. Project team has successfully moved data from the old website to the new. Communications to stakeholders was rolled out during May and June 2023 ahead of soft launch in June. Local Offer user evaluation and codesign activities are planned for July and September 2023.

What we will see: Improvements to search functions, accessibility, navigation on mobile devices and reduction of clicks through to different sections of the website giving overall better user experience.

The difference this will make: SEND families have a better experience navigating the Local Offer channel and find the information or advice they are looking for.

What we want: Improve and co-produce the range of advice, guidance and information available for SEND families.

What we will do: Undertake a gap analysis to understand what guidance or information is missing. Continue to offer "Your Local Offer Your Way " development sessions and continue to invite the wider SEND community to develop and shape the information. Co-produce with the PCF a clear and accessible roadmap outlining the overarching SEND system.

Where are we now: The SEND Local Offer hosts a range of advice and guidance pages. Half-termly "Your Local Offer Your Way development sessions" have lower attendance and engagement than hoped. There is currently no fully completed roadmap, though it is in development through the Local Offer Team and PCF.

What we will see: A range of co-produced information, advice and guidance in a variety of accessible formats. Positive, collaborative working relationships in place with key partners and stakeholders ensuring good quality information is available.

The difference this will make: Families have clear information about a range of SEND related topics and understand what they can co-produce and how, giving greater parental and stakeholder confidence across the SEND system.

What we want: A SEND Area Partnership Charter in place.

What we will do: Co-production Charter will clarify co production approaches at a strategic, service and individual level. The area partnership will ensure that new initiatives, policy and service redesign are undertaken with coproduction at the centre.

Where are we now: Co-production work to produce the area draft charter has taken place. In addition, a Southend City Council Co-Production framework is being developed which will include the SEND Area Partnership Co-production Charter as an Annexe.

What we will see: Children, young people with SEND and their families and stakeholders understand what they can coproduce and how to contribute to or influence individual, service level and strategic decisions.

The difference this will make: Children, young people with SEND and their families experience services that are coproduced with them on an individual basis. Co-production is actively embraced in the review of existing services and when designing or shaping new services.

What we want: Strengthen the strategic engagement with families delivered though the Parent Carer Forum (PCF).

What we will do: Establish a Southend SEND Network, led by the PCF that reflects and represents SEND groups across Southend.

Where are we now: There is PCF representation and input in strategic decision making and they are making a strong contribution to improving the experiences of children and young people with SEND and their families. This will be widened across the Southend SEND Community.

What we will see: The voices of an increased number of families and stakeholders are gathered through termly PCF seminars, workshops or focus groups. PCF impact reports will systematically evaluate the effectiveness of local arrangements to influence strategic development and the commissioning of services.

The difference this will make: SEND Families will understand how the system is working to deliver SEND services and improvements through PCF led activities and leaders understand the issues facing families in the local area. Services and support available are more responsive to the needs of families.

What we want: Strengthen the strategic engagement of children and young people with SEND so they are more involved in the wider decision-making of the area.

What we will do: Identify a lead officer for the ongoing development of the SEND Children and Young People's Forum. Children and young people with SEND are supported in a way that allows their voices, opinions to be heard around topics which matter to them.

Where are we now: Children and young people with SEND have taken part in coproduction of an annual review survey and promotional material and are beginning to be more involved in the wider decision-making of the area.

What we will see: Lead officer in post supporting the SEND Youth Forum to participate, be heard, and feel included in decision making.

The difference this will make: The voice of the children and young people is empowered and present in strategic decision-making.

What we want: SEND Champions supporting families through the sharing of accurate information about SEND systems and processes.

What we will do: Recruit a number of SEND Champions in local groups and organisations via the SEND Network. Create a training and support plan that supports the development of SEND Champions' knowledge and skills.

Where are we now: SEND Champions are not currently in place.

What we will see: SEND Champions are present within local groups and active SEND Network members.

The difference this will make: Families feel effectively supported by SEND Champions and their community who provides accurate and reliable information, advice and guidance and signposting about SEND systems and processes.

What we want: Improved communications to stakeholders from across the SEND Partnership.

What we will do: Coproduce and implement an area partnership communications strategy. Continue to produce a monthly SEND area partnership newsletter. The PCF will collaborate with officers across the area partnership to collect, review and analyse feedback on the SEND Offer to generate information for communications.

Where are we now: The local area partnership has worked to improve communication, including widening understanding of the local offer. There are regular meetings across the partnership to agree content for the area partnership newsletter. Subscribers to the monthly newsletter have doubled since September 2022. There is however no agreed area partnership communication strategy.

What we will see: A strategy that sets out how communications are managed across stakeholder groups in a systematic and effective way. Subscribers to the SEND Area Partnership newsletter reaches in excess of two thousand (2,000).

The difference this will make: Communications from the partnership are useful, relevant and informative for families. Families are well informed on key partnership activity and understand what it means for them.