Recommendation 5

The local area partnership should ensure that appropriate support is in place from health services for children and young people who are awaiting health needs assessments, so that early intervention reduces the risk of any escalation of concern.

What we want: Children, young people and their families are supported whilst waiting for assessment.

What we will do: Improve access to support, information, advice, and guidance whilst waiting for health needs assessments.

Where are we now: Some information is shared through letters or web pages on additional sources of support whilst waiting for assessment. This is not always shared in a timely or accessible manner.

What we will see: Early support is provided to children, young people and their families to help them manage needs whilst waiting for assessment. Families know where to access support while their waiting. Resources are available for families to use.

The difference this will make: Families will feel supported by receiving the right support at the right time that meets their needs.

What we want: Routes to assessment and diagnosis are clear and consistent. Families understand what to expect and when.

What we will do: Review routes to assessment and identify areas of improvement. Where consent allows, family/carers and professionals should be updated regularly about the estimated waiting time for the assessment.

Where are we now: We have mapped current pathways against best practice and the National Framework for Autism Assessment. The digital offer/waiting well approach currently in development will consider how best to develop a journey of care/roadmap and resources for families undertaking the assessment process across community provision as part of a standardised approach.

What we will see: Families will receive clear communication following the referral for assessment and will know how long they may have to wait. Families know where to go to get additional support while they're waiting.

The difference this will make: Families receive a consistent pathway offer and are effectively communicated with at certain points in the pathway.

What we want: Pre and post assessment support is available at the right time to meet the needs of the child, young person and their families.

What we will do: We will work with children, young people, and their families to identify what support is needed before and after their assessment. The local area partnership will then use this information to identify opportunities to develop and enhance existing and new services to better support children, young people and their families.

Where are we now: Initial mapping of support currently in place has started, identifying some inconsistencies and gaps in provision. Further work is planned to focus on the development, promotion and strategic alignment of available support through the Local Offer.

What we will see: Children and young people understand what will happen next for them. The right assessment and support will be accessed in a timely way.

The difference this will make: Parents, carers, children, and young people will feel listened to and supported.

What we want: A well informed and knowledgeable workforce, able to support professionals, families and children and young people.

What we will do: Specific areas of training will be identified as good practice and added to induction plans for all new starters. We will have identified SEND champions within all health providers to support the development and understanding of SEND in their service areas

Where are we now: Key opportunities to develop training and link approaches to other workstreams have been discussed but require further development.

What we will see: A workforce who are knowledgeable in relation to SEND and are confident in working with children and young people with SEND, their families and other professionals involved in supporting them.

The difference this will make: Families and professionals will be better supported by a knowledgeable workforce. There will be a clearer understanding of the child or young person's experience of the clinical aspect of the pathway from the point of referral.

What we want: Young people are supported well through all stages of transition, particularly in transition from child to adult services.

What we will do: There will be clear arrangements in place for transition between services including where the transition is from child to adult services. In this case, planning will start from the age of fourteen (14).

Where are we now: Transition arrangements and experiences for children, young people and families are inconsistent.

What we will see: All clinicians working with young people will understand the importance of a good transition and work with individuals to plan for their transition. This will include providing additional support in the transition between services.

The difference this will make: Young people will experience supported and positive transitions between services. Families will understand at what point changes in health services might occur and what options may be available for them as they get older.

What we want: Children and young people waiting for support from CAMHS will know what additional help they can access while they're waiting for specialist support and who they can contact if they need more urgent help. Families will also know how to escalate concerns about their child or young person's mental wellbeing.

What we will do: Develop resources which provide a local area guide of all available mental health and wellbeing support. Ensure resources and information about supporting mental health and wellbeing is shared and communicated through all available channels.

Where are we now: Information has previously been provided as part of a guide to service provision. Information is held in separate areas and requires updating. The local area is mapping current mental health and wellbeing support that is available.

What we will see: Updated information, advice and guidance about the support available in the local area with clear information about how to escalate concerns. Escalation routes clearly communicated through the Local Offer and CAMHS SPA.

The difference this will make: Children and young people will have access to resources, support, and services to ensure their mental wellbeing is supported at all times.