Recommendation 2 update

Recommendation 2:

The local area partnership should evaluate the quality and impact of services and joint working more effectively, to inform improvements that lead to better outcomes and experiences for children and young people with SEND.

What we wanted:

To evaluate gaps in the system which would inform an education improvement programme.

What we did:

  • Created a central Early Years Service and a central Specialist Teaching Service to strengthen support and advice to settings and school
  • Aligned the Early Years SEND advisory team with the integrated Early Years service to strengthen joint working and support settings in identification of need and seamless transitions across the Early Years sector
  • Outlined a SEND Therapies project from September 2024 to include speech and language and occupational therapy consultancy for schools
  • 46 maintained schools have signed up for Relational Practice
  • Strengthened targeted support to schools from the Access and Inclusion Team to reduce exclusions and raise attendance
  • Commenced Wave 2 Mental Health Support Teams in schools to widen the offer of early support
  • Implemented an all age Dynamic Support Pathway (DSP) with multi agency partnership working to prevent avoidable admission to a mental health inpatient setting
  • Provided improved outcomes for children and young people who have transitioned back to mainstream after accessing pilot and existing Alternative Provision pathways
  • Increased attendance at Year 9 Annual Reviews from the Preparing for Adulthood (PFA) team to provide advice, guidance and training for SENDCOs so that PFA outcomes are jointly agreed

The difference it made:

Improvements in the system have strengthened the quality of services.

Priority 2024-25:

Quality assurance frameworks that will evaluate and demonstrate impact on children and young people's outcomes and experiences.