Recommendation 6 update
Recommendation 6:
The local area partnership should make sure that parents and carers and professionals receive clear and reliable information about how to access the range of support and services that are available.
What we wanted:
Families to understand where to go for accurate support, advice and information and understand improvements across the area partnership.
What we did:
- The Local Offer Team and the Parent carer Forum launched the SEND Network
- Feedback obtained via the SEND Network shaped a project plan scoping out the development of 11 roadmaps
- 5 roadmaps that outline SEND processes have been created
- There has been an increase in participants co-producing information through engagement activities
- Supported the Parent Carer Forum to hold termly SSIF seminars on topics voted for by families
- Increased subscribers to the SEND Partnership monthly e-newsletter (Peer into Southend SEND)
- Engaged widely with families across the city to help parents and carers to navigate the local offer and access the right support in a timely way. Through SEND Surgeries in local schools, coffee mornings and other community events
- Launched the new accessible Livewell platform hosting the Local Offer
- Continually reviewed the Local Offer website with families and young people
- Identified a number of SEND Champions from local groups and organisations via the SEND Network
The difference it made:
There are significantly improved communications to stakeholders from across the SEND Partnership, and families are more aware of where to access advice and support or information.
Priorities 2024-25:
Strengthen the strategic engagement of children and young people with SEND so they are more involved in the wider decision-making of the area.
SEND champions are operational.