Recommendation 4 update

Recommendation 4:

Local area partnership leaders should ensure that they share accurate data across health, education and social care to support rigorous and effective self-evaluation and inform joint commissioning.

What we wanted:

Joint data dashboards.

What we did:

  • The Mid and South Essex (MSE) Business Intelligence team have developed an initial version of a SEND dashboard covering a variety of health metrics sourced from various partner organisations
  • Internal Southend-on-Sea City Council (SCC) SEND reporting now includes new functionality and interactivity for further insight on key education metrics and demographics of the EHC plans maintained by Southend-on-Sea
  • Individual teams and services routinely report data on caseload and activity through operational meetings for scrutiny and challenge
  • The publicly available SEND Profile Data Tool has been updated to include 2024 outcomes from the school census and SEN2 data collections
  • The co-production of a SEND Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is almost complete

The difference it made:

There is greater understanding across the Partnership on the impact of service delivery and identified risks and challenges.

Priority 2024-25:

To create an Area Partnership Outcomes Framework and key metrics to complete a joint data dashboard that will inform wider commissioning and delivery priorities.