
Everybody will tell you how exhausting the early days and weeks will be. Yet nothing can prepare you for the lack of sleep you will experience. Have an honest conversation regarding sleep with your partner and support each other. If you complete the night feed and let mum sleep, then agree she lets you sleep in late the next day.

The safest place for the baby to sleep is in a separate cot or Moses' basket in the same room as you for the first 6 months, even during the day. When putting your baby down for a sleep, place them on their back, with their feet at the foot end of the cot.

Don't let them get too hot, 16–20 degrees celsius is comfortable, cellular blankets are recommended. It is dangerous to sleep with your baby in a bed, on a sofa or in an armchair, please do not do this. Make sure your baby is not exposed to cigarette smoke as this increases their risk of cot death. For more information visit the lullaby trust website.