Your Local Offer Your Way sessions

Your Local Offer, Your Way sessions are held half termly.

The meetings provide parent carers, children and young people and professionals with an opportunity to tell us what information they need on the Local Offer, and how it is presented. A daytime face to face and an evening online session are provided every half term to widen accessibility.

During 2023, sessions had 35 attendees in total. Some of these are people who attended more than one session.

Sessions have led to useful discussions with some specific suggestions on information to be added and changes to be made to the way it is presented to make it more user friendly. We have already made some changes as a result of the feedback received, with some other changes still to be made. We also were able to support parent carers attending sessions with information requests about local services and processes.

The You Said We Did page has details of actions that have been taken in response to feedback.