Developments and improvements to the SEND Local Offer channel on Livewell Southend

This section has details about developments to the SEND Local Offer channel of Livewell Southend between 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.

The new Livewell Southend website went live on 21 June 2023. The new platform has improved accessibility features, a mobile-responsive design, widgets which make information more visually appealing, and a much-improved search facility, using Cludo software.

Information was migrated from the Local Offer channel on the previous Livewell Southend website to the new platform. Some streamlining of information took place during migration with the team combining some related advice pages together and removing out of date service and process information.

 3 feedback and co-design sessions were held in July 2023. These were open to parent carers, children and young people with SEND and professionals. The focus of the sessions was to review the information on the SEND Local Offer channel and the lay out to ensure it was meeting the needs of users of the website. The July sessions were attended by 7 parent carers, 1 young person and 5 professionals.

 The discussions continued at the October and December 2023 Your Local Offer Your Way sessions which were attended by 5 parent carers.

 A large number of suggestions came from the sessions. Some developments have already been implemented and others are being worked on, including the development of a series of visual routemaps. Developments that have already been implemented:

 Local Offer landing page changes:

  • images added to highlight the SEND newsletter and social media channels
  • changed image for SEND Law, Strategy and Policy section
  • Local Offer team contact details positioned higher on the page and positioning of other information on the Local Offer landing page changed
  • number of entry points into information reduced to avoid confusion. Entry points now presented as subject related buttons
  • details of how to search for information added
  • links to accessibility information, site map and glossary added
  • parent Carer Forum information made more prominent
  • wording changed from SEND External Links to SEND External websites
  • moved information for young people and added an image
  • button for services outside Southend removed and Essex and Thurrock Local Offers added as weblinks instead

 Other developments:

  • inaccessible PDFs and word documents removed
  • term `directory` changed to `services` or `listings` where appropriate
  • explanation of directories and information pages made on subject area landing pages to help users navigate the section
  • a number of widgets were chosen for the Livewell site based upon feedback received. This has included an alerts function which we will be able to deploy when needed and a more prominent search bar which has been added to the home page of Livewell Southend
  • using SEND rather than SEN consistently across the site
  • education information split into early years and school age and school age information broken down into sub-categories to make it easier to navigate
  • added an education settings overview to the school age section
  • graduated response made more visual through use of tiles in the education section. Addition of new information about how SEN is identified in schools, how children and young people are supported, including support for different needs, and information about what to do if you are unhappy with the support provided by the school made more prominent
  • added information about the difference between Further and Higher Education
  • added links to the SLN for key documents for education professionals
  • information about Care and Education Treatment Reviews updated
  • abbreviations and full words added to EHCNA and EHCP information
  • new information pages created about appointees, deputies and power of attorney, consent for treatment, Supported Internships, the role of the SENCO, travel training and multi-sensory impairment
  • information added about blue badges, vehicle tax emptions and bus passes
  • updated information about Care and Education Treatment Reviews including the keyworker service
  • updated SSIF directory record
  • added British Sign Language videos to several areas – benefits (PIP, access to work, DLA, Carers Allowance, vehicle tax exemption and reduction, LGBTQI+ information, online safety, sexual health, energy advice videos
  • explanation added to events and activities section to show that some things are activities for children and young people and some for parent carers

 Overall, 29 pages have been updated and 5 new information pages created.

 Themes arising from Local Offer feedback

  • have information presented in various formats, not just written information. Include videos and flowcharts and graphics
  • help users navigate through the Local Offer by simplifying information and explaining how to find it. For sections where there is a lot of information, break it down for people
  • guide people through the information in terms of what stage they are at in their journey

 Updates and amendments are made to information pages and directory records on the Local Offer as part of our day to day ‘business as usual’ work.