Plans for 2024
In addition to continuing with business-as-usual work, the SEND Local Offer team will be working on the following actions in the coming year:
Engagement, communications, co-production and feedback:
- develop the Southend SEND Network by increasing membership, sending out regular comms to members, building relationships between members through meetings, and supporting the development and implementation of a training plan for SEND Champions
- support communication of information about progress against the SEND Strategic Action Plan
- support SSIF in the delivery of more SSIF seminars
- support the Preparing for Adulthood Team with the delivery of a Preparing for Adulthood marketplace and information event
Content on the SEND Local Offer channel on Livewell Southend:
- co-produce a range of visual route maps to help parent carers navigate the SEND system
- continue to gain feedback from young people with SEND about what information they need on the SEND Local Offer, what activities and services they find helpful in the local area, and how they would like the young person’s area of the Local Offer presented; and develop information in response to this feedback
- reduce the reading age and word count of information on the Local Offer to make it more easily accessible for a wide audience