SEND Surgeries
Monthly SEND Surgeries were introduced in November 2022. The surgeries provide parent carers with an opportunity to drop-in, ask questions and speak with members of the SEND Team. Representatives from SENDiass Southend and the Lighthouse and Jigsaws team also attend some surgeries.
11 SEND surgeries were held in 2023, taking place once a month apart from August 2023 due to the school summer holidays.
Surgery attendance
Attendance at surgeries has been variable, ranging from 0 (May and June 2023 surgeries) to 10. 34 parent carers attended surgeries over the course of the year. The average number of attendees at a surgery was 3.
Originally, surgeries were held in community venues such as Family Centres. In an effort to increase the number of parent carers accessing the surgeries, it was decided to hold them in schools from September 2023, enabling the school to promote the surgery to their own parents in addition to our wider promotion across the community.
7 surgeries were held in community venues, with attendance ranging from 0 to 3 and an average of 1.4 attendees per surgery. 4 surgeries were held in schools, with attendance ranging from 4 to 10 and an average of 6 attendees per surgery.
Feedback from parent carers
Verbal feedback from parents at surgeries is positive. 32 parent carers (94% of attendees) completed feedback sheets at the surgery. Of the 31 people who answered the question of whether the surgery was helpful, 100% said yes.
Themes from the feedback sheets:
- The surgeries are a good resource
- Officers listened, were supportive, friendly and helpful
- Advice was reassuring
- Good information and advice was given
A selection of feedback is published on the Local Offer.
Follow up feedback
A follow up survey is sent to parent carers 2 to 3 months after attending a surgery. 2 surveys have been completed. 1 respondent unfortunately felt the advice given was not helpful and that they weren't able to take any practical steps as a result of it. The other respondent felt the advice was very helpful and clear and reported they were able to take practical steps as a result, although it was too early to see any impact from that action.
Reasons for parent carers attending surgeries:
Parent carers come to surgeries for a number of reasons. The most frequent reason for attending is for support and information around education, including:
- what support the school should be providing for their child or young person with SEND
- information about EHCPs and the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment process, including mediation and appeals
- information about transitions and choosing schools
- Elective Home Education
- return to school after a period of absence
Other reasons for attending:
To gain information about:
- early years support and childcare
- diagnosis and assessment pathways for Autism or ADHD
- general support available for their child or young person, and what they can be doing to support their child. Often parent carers have sought information about specific conditions including Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia.
- help and advice on toileting and bedwetting
- support for themselves as a parent carer
- local activities for their family or child/young person.
- housing, benefits and family support
- home to school transport