Key activity since January 2023
Listed in this section are a summary of key activities the Local Offer Team has been involved with since January 2023.
- reprocurement of the new Livewell Southend website, data cleanse and migration of Local Offer information from the old Livewell Southend platform to the new one and development of the design and content of the SEND Local Offer channel
- supported the launch and publication of the Southend SEND Partnership strategy 2023-2026 and the Southend SEND Strategic Action Plan 2023 to 2026. This included organising an event for parent carers and stakeholders in October 2023
- in partnership with Southend SEND Independent Forum (SSIF), the Local Offer team launched the Southend SEND Network
- in January 2023 a survey for young people about the annual review process was launched. Young people who were involved in the development of the survey, worked with the team to produce a video
- the team have continued to support the promotion of the EHCNA and annual review surveys for parent carers, and the annual review survey for children and young people. See the service user feedback section for details
- the Local Offer team have taken on responsibility for collating newsletter items, compiling and sending out the monthly SEND e-newsletter. See the communications and marketing section for details
- supported the development of the SEND Co-Production Charter and Southend-on-Sea City Council co-production framework
- developed and promoted a new Local Offer survey. See the service user feedback section for details
- half termly Your Local Offer Your Way sessions and monthly SEND Surgeries are held. This helps to increase community engagement, raise awareness of the SEND Local Offer, and support local families. In the first academic year of running SEND Surgeries, they were held in a range of community locations. Some were well attended but others were not attended by any parent carers. To increase attendance, we have held surgeries in schools since September 2023. This has been succesful and we are now reaching more parent carers. The Local Offer team also regularly attend a range of local community events (see the events, Your Local Offer Your Way and SEND Surgeries sections for details)
- development of information on the Local Offer in response to feedback. See the SEND Local Offer channel on Livewell Southend section for details