Statutory framework, resourcing and capacity and professional development and training

Statutory framework

Section 4 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015, sets out the requirements for Local Authorities to publish in one place, information about provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people with SEND, both with and without an EHCP. This must include provision in the Local Authority's area and provision outside the area which it expects children and young people with SEND are likely to use.

Resourcing and capacity

The SEND Local Offer Team sits within the Southend Council SEND Team. The Local Offer team is fully staffed and comprises 3 paid members of staff:

  • 1 x 0.8 FTE SEND Project Manager
  • 1 x 1 FTE Local Offer and Co-Production Officer
  • 1 x 1 FTE SEND Local Offer Communications and Marketing Officer

Part way through the year, some changes were made to the Local Offer and Co-Production Assistant job role, and this was changed to the position of Local Offer Communications and Marketing Officer.

Until August 2023, the team were supported by a local young person with SEND who was working with us as a part time volunteer whilst studying for a Master in Public Policy. On gaining full time employment he ceased his voluntary role. During his time with us he helped us to develop a survey about the annual review process for young people, started the development of a guide for annual reviews written by young people for young people and reviewed and re-wrote some of the information for young people on the Local Offer.

Professional development and training

The Local Offer and Co-Production Officer and the SEND Local Offer Communications and Marketing Officer completed an Asset Based Community Development training programme which will support future engagement work with parent carers and children and young people with SEND.

The SEND Local Offer Communications and Marketing Officer also completed the following sessions run by Google in partnership with Southend-on-Sea City Council: Digital Marketing, Google Analytics, and Digital Advertising.

The team also undertake mandatory e-learning training as required by Southend-on-Sea City Council.